Complimentary Consumer Tasting: Wines of Naoussa Consumer Tasting Washington DC


4:30 pm - 6:30 pm


701 9th Street, NW, Washington , DC
Map Unavailable

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Taste and learn from winemakers Georgia Foundi (Estate Foundi), Kostis Dalamara (Estate Dalamara), Petros Karydas (Karydas Estate), and Ioannis Pliatsikas (Vaeni Cooperative) during their 2015 East Coast Tour. Enjoy Xinomavro from 11 different Naoussa producers and Taste the Tradition that is Xi-nomavro.

Chrisohoou Estate
Dalamara Winery
Elinos Winery
Estate Diamantakos
Foundi Estate
Karydas Estate
Kelisidis Winery
Kir-Yianni Estate
Kokkinos Winery
Thimiopoulos Vineyards
Vaeni Cooperative

Naoussa East Coast Winemakers

From L to R: Georgia Foundi, Kostis Dalamara, Petros Karydas. Not pictured Ioannis Pliatsikas

“In the long run, however, it may well be that Xinomavro becomes regarded as Greece’s best indigenous red grape, as it also ages beautifully and has complexity and character.” – Mark Squires, Wine Advocate

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Check out photos from the event: [miniflickr photoset_id=72157654065855392&sortby=date-posted-asc&per_page=30]

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