The key to making really good pasta is the ingredients. It only requires three ingredients - flour, eggs and salt - but it requires the best ingredients. At Uovo Pasta in Santa Monica, they found the best ingredients by going directly to Italy. And the resulting homemade pasta is delicious. That is why Uovo Pasta in Santa Monica is the Please The Palate pick of the week. I was running an errand in Santa Monica the other night and found a parking spot on the street. I finished my errand and was walking to my car when I noticed that I was parked in front of Uovo Pasta. Uovo Pasta was on my list of places to try as I had heard some positive things from friends. So I decided to go in and check it out. And that was a great choice! Uovo is a pasta bar. A long rectangular bar wraps around the open kitchen with bar stools. A few tables are also available for groups. I took a seat at the bar and perused the menu.