Living in Los Angeles, I am happy to drive anywhere in the city in search of good food. But, it's even better when the restaurant is only a couple minutes from home. Cadet opened at the very end of 2014 in Santa Monica and it couldn't be a more welcome addition to the area. Located in the former The Shack space, next to the Verizon store on the corner of 26th and . It feels like you have entered your own living room. Exposed brick walls, low lighting, comfortable banquets and a bar in the center of the room are so inviting. And one of the inviting elements is the wood fired grill that can be seen through a glass window when you first walk in. The menu is presented like a deck of cards and you lay them out in front of you like you are reading tarot cards. Cadet Menu
It's not hard to find tacos in Los Angeles. From taco stands to taco trucks, we love our tacos. Now Santa Monica has a new taco spot where, in addition to tacos and other dishes,there is a full bar featuring mezcal-based cocktails and craft beers. The Westside needed another great drinking spot. Welcome Tacoteca! Tacoteca

Bartender Gilbert Marquez has crafted the cocktail program. With over 90 mezcals, he has created a menu of modern cocktails that emphasizes indigenous Mexican flavors.

I started with a Bebibas Ancestrales and ordered the Aguacatero (Mezcal, avocado, green chartreuse and lime). The drink comes with a worm salt rim that was spicy and a cricket garnish. Yes, crickets.....after all, they say that insects are the new protein. I went outside my comfort zone and tried them and despite the visual image, they were slightly salty and crispy and don't really taste like anything. I survived!

Saint Martha may be aptly named for its namesake, the Patron Saint of cooks and servants, but it also pays homage to Saint Vincent, the Patron Saint of wine. But you might not know this from the outside. Located in a run-down strip mall in Korea town, it's neighbors are a "dentista", an acupuncturist, an Allstate insurance office and a shoe repair shop. Saint Martha Exterior And among these business sits Saint Martha behind a heavy wooden door.Saint Martha Exterior But, open the heavy door and enter the cozy, low-lit windowless room, and find a world that honors and celebrates wine and food.