Frozen yogurt has come and gone and come again as a trend. First in the 1980s and 1990s, frozen yogurt shops were on every corner. Then, in the last decade, places such as Pinkberry and Yogurtland started popping up. But with the motto: "Be Bold. Be Different. Blend-In," Humphrey Yogart has stood the test of time for more than thirty years and that is why it is my Please The Palate "pick of the week." I began going to Humphrey Yogart, located in a strip mall in Sherman Oaks in the 1980s, when I was in high school. Humphrey's was always different than the rest of the frozen yogurt shops. In fact, just from the name, you can tell they follow their motto to "be different." The name "yogART" is the playful name for their art of blending frozen yogurt with ingredients to create individualized flavors.
The month of April flew by and I spent most of it traveling. But, nothing would stop me from my monthly visit to Maude. Just before the month ended, I made it in for the April menu featuring walnuts. Walnuts, a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, are commonly found on a cheese board or baked into pastries. But, as they do each month, Maude took the walnut and utilized it every way, shape and form that one could think of for another unique and tasty menu. In addition to the menu, we opted to do the wine pairing menu as well. Champagne Tarlant Zero Brut Natural - A bone-dry, crisp Champagne was perfect to start the meal. Spring Pea Tart - Sitting on a bright green pad of inedible greens, the spring pea tart was filled with pecorino cheese aged in walnut leaves and spring peas dressed in walnut oil. One quick bite and we were on our way.

After a complete makeover, Viva Hollywood is adding a bit of spice to Hollywood Boulevard.

Located in the original Beso space, Viva Hollywood is large and open. It is bright with white walls and high ceilings. The bar and a lounge area are in the front half of the restaurant and flow through to the dining room. There is a stage at the far end of the restaurant for the nightly live music. Upstairs overlooking the dining room is additional seating as well as a private event area know as the "piñata room." From the dining room floor, you can look up into the private room that is filled with brightly colored piñatas.