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It was 5:30pm on a Friday night. A table, two white chairs and a white tablecloth were ready to go. A basket – or two – were packed with food for the...

This story originally appeared in the Napa Valley Register. In 1983, while working at The Water Club in New York, Roy Hersh was introduced to the 1963 Sandeman Port. Sommelier Sam...

I invited a friend to join me at La Boheme for dinner recently. She asked, "you mean the restaurant in West Hollywood? It's still open?" That is what I had thought when I was invited to check it out as well. And the answer is yes! For twenty-five years, La Boheme has sat on Santa Monica Blvd in the heart of West Hollywood. la-boheme-1 From the street, there is something eye-catching about the building of concrete and stone with glittering lights and interesting ornaments. la-boheme-4 But when you walk inside, it is utterly mesmerizing. The 4,800 square-foot space is eye-catching with high ceilings, magnificent French chandeliers, a fireplace and red everywhere - the curtains, walls, ceiling, tables, chairs....everything! It is a bit eccentric and leans towards Gothic. It is like a set from of Moulin Rouge or Phantom of the Opera.