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The best way to learn about wine is to taste wine.  But, it's understandable if you would prefer to taste before you commit to buying one. That's why one of the great things wine retail stores offer are regular wine tastings that focus on a region, producer or varietal. For anywhere between $5-$25, you can taste a selection of wines and if you find one (or more that you like) you can buy it on the spot!   In a city like Los Angeles, you can most likely find an in-store tasting on any given night/day of the week. Here is a list of some of the local stores in Los Angeles that offer tastings.
Unfortunately, we were awoken by the sound of the jackhammer outside on the street this morning starting before 8am.  This was not a welcome sound when bed time was at 4am.  Pillows over our heads, we tried to ignore it until we had to get up.  Even tougher to get up this morning (our feet still hurt from all the walking yesterday), we managed to get out and head over to the Monteleone. 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - "Brunch with an Italian Twist" The Spirit of Italy team was back for breakfast.  The Italian bartenders were dressed in the finest white suits making more cocktails with the Italian artisanal liquors, digestives and grappas produced by Luxardo, Amaro Lucano, Distillerie Moccia, Distillerie Nardini, Pallini, Toschi and Varnelli. Cocktails included a Bourbon Milk Punch enhanced with Amaro Lucano, a Strawberry Ramos Fizz with Fragolí by Toschi, a New Orleans Chicory Coffee Shakerato with Zabov egg yolk-chocolate liqueur, Varnelli Anice with Clamato juice and cucumber-dill foam, a fresh-squeezed citrus Mimosa spiked with Nardini Grappa, a Luxardo Maraschino Cobbler and a Pallini Limoncello Champagne Cocktail. 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM - Come Aboard for Cocktails and Lunch with Carnival Cruise Lines